Frequently Asked Questions

A number of enquiries from future users of the Kindergarten tend to ask similar questions as they investigate the local kindergartens/ preschools and schools for their child. A big question is always around understanding when their child will start Kindergarten. It is hoped that the following FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) will answer most of your questions! Please read the following frequently asked questions to see if your enquiry can be answered. If you still need to talk to the Director you are welcome to phone or email for further response.

Q: If I need to talk to the Director, how do I do this?
A: The Director is generally a part of the Kindergarten team during Kindergarten hours and cannot always respond to your extended enquiries during this time so a request for an appointment by email or phone is always appreciated.
Q: Can I come and visit the Kindergarten?
A: We realise that choosing the right setting for your child is important and part of this decision is often based on the “feel” of a site. In light of this, we often have people calling asking to come and visit the kindergarten. Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate single families visiting, however we ask that you keep an eye on our Facebook page (Madge Sexton Kindergarten Families) as this is where we promote any upcoming open days that will allow you the opportunity to visit the site and meet the staff team.
Q: When will my child start Kindergarten?

A: Children are entitled to access 4 terms (1 year) of government preschool in the year before they start school.

If your child turns four before 1 May they are eligible to start preschool at the beginning of the year.

If they turn four on 1 May to 31 October they are eligible to commence preschool through the mid-year intake at the start of term 3 of that year.

If they turn four after 31 October they will be eligible to commence preschool at the start of the following year.

Q: When do I need to complete a Preschool Registration of Interest form for my child?

A: The Preschool Registration of Interest form needs to be submitted no later then Term 2 of the year prior to the year your child is due to begin kindy. For example, if you child is due to start kindy in either term 1 or term 3, 2026, you would need to submit the form by the end of term 2, 2025.

Q: How do I enrol my child at Madge Sexton Kindergarten?

A: You need to complete a Preschool Registration of Interest form. This can be emailed, delivered in person or posted to the kindy.

If your child secures a place at Madge Sexton Kindergarten you will be asked via email to collect an official enrolment pack to complete and return.

Please see our Madge Sexton Kindergarten Enrolment and Orientation Policy for more information.

Q: How do I find out which which preschool catchment area I live in?
Q: What school does this Kindergarten feed to?

A:  This Kindergarten feeds primarily to our local DfE schools; McLaren Vale Primary School and McLaren Flat Primary School. Some children go to independent schools within the area or schools that are specific to their needs.

Q: Do I need to talk to the Principal of the school I think my child will attend?
A: Please note that you are not automatically enrolled into the local public school. Securing a place at Madge Sexton Kindergarten will not guarantee you a place at our feeder schools. Please make contact with the school of your choice to find out what their process is for enrolment.
Q: Does my child need any particular skills to attend Kindergarten?
A: Kindergarten does not require any formal written language or numeracy skills. Madge Sexton kindergarten prefer that your child is toilet trained and able to communicate their needs to staff. If your child is not toilet trained prior to starting kindy you may be requested to investigate a continence care plan to assist.
Q: What will my child have learnt at Kindergarten?
A: Your child will learn through their own interests and through a play based environment. Your child will have opportunities to explore, create, and develop their problem solving and thinking skills. Your child will have learnt effective ways to communicate and get along with others.
Q: What is the routine of this Kindergarten?
A: Children at kindergarten are largely guided in their learning by their own interests. We offer many provocations for children to engage in activities that interest them however we also follow a structured timeline every day as a routine environment often allows children a feeling of safety and comfort. Please see the parent information booklet for an outline of our daily routine/timeline (page 4)
Q: What does the Reception teacher expect of my child to enter their class?
A: This of course varies for each individual teacher and setting, but generally it is hoped that the Reception child can listen to others, follow simple instructions and rules, communicate needs effectively, be toilet trained, and display independence in terms of carrying own bag, getting own food out of bag at different eating times.
Q: But the children are just playing………… how are they learning and what are they learning?
A: Learning through play is a commonly used phrase you will hear to describe how children learn to make sense of the world around them. Play is fun and learning is always easiest if it is fun. Through play based experiences children develop social skills, the ability to make their own choices, take calculated risks, progress, negotiate and learn their responsibility in the welfare of others. They develop the confidence to persist, ask questions and make mistakes. Play is the perfect context for developing valuable life skills.
Q: Can my child start “early”?
A: Children are entitled to four terms of Kindergarten consisting of 15 hours per week. Occasionally, there are reasons of special needs where a child may start what is called “Early Entry.” Please see the DECD Same First Day policy for more information. This is only considered in the first instance if there are session vacancies (i.e. still room for eligible preschoolers), and then each individual child’s needs are considered. You will need to talk to the Director to discuss further.
Q: My child has special health/medical considerations, e.g. allergies to nuts or bees, asthma, etc. What happens?

A: Madge Sexton Kindergarten is a DfE (Department for Education) site and adheres to very strict policies when it comes to health and medical conditions. Please see the Director for more information specific to your child or consult our policies page.

Q: What is the referral process?
A: If your child has some needs or delays that may not have been recognised prior to starting Kindergarten, the Director may suggest a referral to have a Departmental Support person help to evaluate your child’s needs. This may mean a Speech assessment completed by a Speech Pathologist, a skill assessment (social and intelligence) completed by a Psychologist, or an observation by a Special Educator if the staff team is uncertain of a child’s particular needs. Please see the Director if you have any concerns regarding your child’s development or you wish to discuss a possible referral.
Q: Can my child have choose other sessions that fall outside of the set groups (Group 1 and Group 2)
A: No. Each child is allocated into one group. Generally our enrolments are high and there are no vacant spaces to swap children around.
Q: Can my child swap groups?
A: We encourage families to avoid this as the Madge Sexton Kindergarten staff team spend a lot of time supporting children to make connections to staff and children in their group, developing a strong sense of identity in individuals and as a group and by taking a child out of their group it can often cause a lot of unnecessary angst for individual children, both the ones removed and their peers, and mean that staff need to work hard to support these children again. However, if this is something that you cannot avoid, the Director may be able to accommodate you if there is space available.
Q: Does my child have to access all sessions allocated to him/her in a group?
A: Each child will be allocated 15 hours in their groups; Group 1 or Group 2. If you choose not to access all of your child’s sessions that is purely up to you, however you will still be required to pay full fees. Experience has shown that children who access all of their allocated sessions find it easier to make connections to others, understand and follow routines easier, feel a stronger sense of belonging to the Kindergarten group and environment, and show evidence of achieving planned learning outcomes quicker.
Q: My child has English as a second language, what does the Kindergarten offer to help?

A: Children with bilingual needs may be eligible for some support time from a Bilingual support worker who speaks the child’s first language. The time available varies from term to term according to funding availability and your child’s needs. The staff team may need an interpreter to ensure that parents’ are aware of our learning program. Children who have limited English can sometimes find it more difficult to settle into Kindergarten in the first instance. The staff team will endeavour to make your child’s introduction to the Kindergarten as smooth as possible.

Q: My child has special needs, what does the Kindergarten offer to help?

A: All children are welcome at this Kindergarten. If you have any reports from Paediatricians, Speech pathologists, Psychologists or other specialists, these would be useful to examine what methods the teaching staff may need to use to help support your child’s development. Children who need support may be eligible for some time from a support worker who will help your child to access the learning environment. The time available varies from term to term according to funding availability and your child’s needs. Regional support such as the Disability Coordinator, Speech Pathologist, Psychologist, Hearing Consultant, etc. may need to be in contact with families and the Director to ensure that your child’s needs are met. If you believe that your child will need support as soon as they enter Kindergarten please contact the Director as soon as possible to provide the Kindergarten with information about your child’s needs.

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